4.1 Takeover

Everybody was gathered in the family room anxiously waiting for the oldest two to grow up, and for the announcement of who would be heir.  Damson had invited Clarissa over in the hopes that it would be Ember.  Ember grew up first, and ended up looking like this.

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Gen 4 Heir Poll

Its time.
I wish I was ready for it! Damson is one of my favourite Sims I’ve ever played. Ever. Second after Lara.

I will miss her.

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3.10 Time to Choose

It is about that time again folks. For an heir poll.  The next two posts will be dedicated to telling you more about the teens and Gray, and then the heir poll will follow. Please, I beg of you, do not stick me with the toddler or this legacy may be over (in other news it may be fun watching me scramble to get life fruit to keep Damson alive).

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3.9 Times They Are A Changin’

So I know its been a while, and I apologise. My RL has been quite busy and full of good and bad events lately.  Now the good has taken over, a schedule has been developed, and I do promise, that the Stephansdom’s are back on track.

Without further ado,

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3.8 Death and Romance

I knew things would not go well the minute Emerald starting arguing with the fridge — preventing the whole family from eating and forcing me to take them out to the diner.

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3.7 Traits and Such

I have been remiss in both updating my score and in discussing the Stephansdom’s traits. I will be going through my posts and updating the score, but for now, we will watch Ember and Emerald grow up and learn all about the family, traits included.

Like his father, Ember’s favourite food is autumn salad, except when its stinky.

Ember is an insane, over-emotional genius. He was insane and a genius when he was born and became overly emotional as a child. Maybe it was being the oldest of six (along with Emerald) or maybe because his genius combined with his insanity is too much for him to handle.

Ember and Fern are the only two who autonomously do their homework. Fern was born an insane genius as well, and added absent-minded to her traits as a child (the game usually chooses toddlers traits cause I rarely bother with toddler skilling.

I think it may be their genius traits that inspire them to learn at school. I personally have a soft spot for Ember. He was the only boy for so long, until Gray, in this generation, and sharing a room with his sister had to be crappy, but he just goes on through, recycling and everything.

Loony loves to carry around little Gray, and watches tv with him a lot.  Gray is an insane, perceptive sim, the first perceptive sim I’ve had – which would be interesting if I wanted him to be heir (which I don’t cause the chances Damson would die on the way are very very high and he would have to be a YA before she died!).

Clearly the birthday cake in the background of that picture gives you an indication of what is about to happen in the Stephansdom house! Three birthdays!

Which means the extended family is on its way.  First to come was old Cobalt, who has a young fiancee who has triplet toddlers from her first marriage (Cobalt you old fox you). I’m not sure how he keeps up with it all — as they live with him.

Next was crazy great Uncle Bondi, who still works as a playground monitor and is still loveless. Oh well. He seems happy.

Casie arrived with Gilbert, and Amethyst came after (although I’m not sure I captured her in a picture at this party).

Casie has taken over as the pointer in the family. And clearly, Daffodil (who did not show up to her sister’s dismay, as they were also supposed to celebrate their adult birthdays together) has had quite the influence on her – at least clothes wise.

The triplets watched excitedly as their older siblings aged into teens. Fuschia (an insane, inappropriate, slob), Fern, and French Rose (an insane, absent-minded, technophobe) couldn’t wait to grow up themselves. They had heard from their mother that one of her children would take over the family and couldn’t wait to see if it was them.

Grandma Azure was also there.

Emerald grew up first, followed closely by Ember.

Ember reminds me a lot of Gilbert in the facial feature area.

The third birthday then occurred. Although saddened by the fact that her sister decided not to show up at her party, Damson was excited at the idea of turning into an adult.   She absolutely loved being surrounded by her family.

Ah, there’s Amethyst.. in her purple party pants.

I don’t think she expected to get tingly

I think they grew up quite well, Emerald and Ember

Emerald added easily-impressed to insane, technophobe who hates the outdoors.

And Ember got flirty (maybe a sim of mine will autonomously be in a relationship? Maybe? Please?)

After everybody left, Ember cleaned up the house (that was a big job.. as you can see)

And took care of Gray (his little face turned green so I clicked on him to see who was taking care of him, hence the plumbob, its his, not Embers) while his siblings slept peacefully.

Little did everyone know that would be the last time the whole family would be together.

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3.6 Decisions

For the first time in the Stephansdom’s history, everyone was asleep at once.  The twins in the back near the nursery (Azure’s old studio), the triplets in Lara’s old room, and Damson and Loony in their bedroom. All was calm.

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3.5 They Grow Up So Fast (Pt 2)

With five children in the Stephansdom household, the family home was anything but calm

Emerald spoke frequently to her father of her desires to become a celebrity of some kind.  Her father, in his traditional fatherly ways, hoped it was a celebrity five star chef, and not the kind of celebrity Linsay Simlan had turned into.

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3.4 They Grow Up So Fast (Pt.1)

Lara had remained relatively quiet during the beginning of the fourth generations lives.  She didn’t want to detonate anything in case it affected the lives of her great grandchildren.  So she played it safe. But one day, she decided she couldn’t wait any longer.

Lara Stephansdom HAD to detonate something.

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Slow Old Me!

Hey all,

I have just been promoted (yay!) so I am spending a bajillion years per week at my job now (boo!) which means the Stephansdoms are on a back burner.

However, expect the next update Monday – and then they will continue regularly from there. The promotion was unexpected in a crisis time so I have had to put in lots of overtime recently!
