1.3 Of Dynamite and Babies

No, it is not from bad food or being sick – Lara is in fact pregnant! We immediately went to tell Buddy of the great news.

Hey Buddy, I'm pregnant!

I thought it was really cute that the first thing he did was to autonomously “feel Lara’s tummy” and equally glad that she let him do it and didn’t get all “don’t touch me.” It made for a really cute moment.  Immediately I bought a stereo and had Lara listen to kids music and watch kids tv.

Which made for a very happy Lara. And apparently also a very happy Buddy.

Buddy sympathizes with Lara

Who knew that Lara’s pregnancy would be so good for Buddy too? While being pregnant, Lara got the option to attend an Inventing Convention at the Stadium. Figuring that after the baby was born she wouldn’t be able to get out of the house much as Buddy autonomously goes to work every day and then takes FOREVER to get home (he’s usually just reading on a bench or hanging out outside the office – hes in the Political career).   So once she has her baby then it will be impossible for her to leave.

Now, the excellence that came from this is that Lara reached a higher level of the inventing skill that allows her to DETONATE OBJECTS! She can detonate household objects (for a fee) and then collect scrap from them! Genius! So, of course, despite the fact that she is pregnant I had to check this out.  The following is a montage of how this worked out for Lara.

So, the detonator didn’t go off as planned, and as Lara came back to check out why the plant had not detonated, it detonated, in her face.

She got 3 scrap out of it, which, for those of you who are interested, is not a lot. It costs a lot to buy scrap from the bench and you can get around 100 if you spend a long time at the junkyard, but that lasts MAYBE 3 inventions. So, it takes a while to get inventions done, and a lot of scrap. Expensive for not a lot of feedback early on in the game. Anyways, this is what happened when she went back inside the house.

I was laughing hysterically at this point.  After her shower, Lara sat down beside Buddy, I think because she knew he was thoroughly freaked out (doesn’t he make the best faces?)

And immediately went into Labour.

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5 Responses to 1.3 Of Dynamite and Babies

  1. DB loves her Mac says:


    Oh, I’m sorry, that’s probably not very nice to Lara, but hahahahaha! The sacrifices that inventors go through! And you’re right, Buddy makes the best faces!

    Here’s one thing I have found to be überuseful: “Call everyone home.” Your torch holder (Lara in this case) uses her cell phone to do this. All other family members will immediately head home. Not sure what happens if they’re working or in school, but if they’re just loitering on some random park bench, it’s awesome!

    • Simlia says:

      Lara is hilarious.. and with Buddy – the two of them are downright entertaining. That is such a good point – I’m so glad you brought that up! I totally forgot that existed.
      I’m glad you found this post as funny as I did – otherwise I’d feel bad for being the only one laughing at her! 🙂

  2. moondaisy101 says:

    Aw Buddy seems a really nice Sim. Lara is lucky to have found him!

    LOL at the detonation! It was the funniest thing ever. The pic of Lara with her hands over her ears eagerly awaiting the big bang and then… seeing her like that through the smoke!
    Buddy’s face is priceless. 🙂

  3. styxlady says:

    Haha, Buddy’s face was priceless! Can’t wait to see the baby! Hmm…can you control the children? Or only the one who’s chosen as heir/heiress? Guess I’ll find out. 😉

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